Friday, September 12, 2014

My favourite piece of art

My favourite piece of art is this illustration of the devil, which appears in "Codex Gigas", folio 290 recto.  Legend has it the codex gigas was created by a monk who sold his soul to the devil. The book has a lot of different contents, about religious topics, medicine and magic. The legend says it was created in only a night, written by hand by Herman the Recluse in the Benedictine monastery.

The illustration is really simple, but it makes me feel something strange, like the devil's eyes looks trought me, like I would feel the perversion of the demon in his smilling face, like he is saying "I'm here human kind, I'm real and I wrote by the hand of this mortal man this book. I won't hide myself anymore".  Maybe it's just suggestion by the story told about the book, but I really got fascinated at the first time I saw the picture of that piece of art. 

This illustration is special to me because I saw this illustration in other books about black magic, therefore I can suppose it's really implicated on the occultism , and it's really interesting to me, sometimes I read a lot about that topics and I really enjoy that!. 


  1. I did not know this illustration but the legend sounds very interesting!

  2. The legend of Codex Gigas is so interesting, it make me feel fascinated by the mysteries

  3. Woow I don't wait to see a piece like this! Is very original!
